From the Archives

Architectural Review n°705, Sept. 1955

Architectural Review n°741, Oct. 1958

Architectural Design n°11, Nov. 1958

The Architect & Building News n°1 Vol. 215, 7 Jan. 1959

Afterthoughts on The Flats at Ham Common - Architecture and Building, May 1959

Domus n°368, July 1960

Modern Flats, 1961

Bauen+Wohnen n°3, Mar. 1962

The New Brutalism: Ethic or Aesthetic, 1966

James Stirling - Buildings and Projects, 1975

James Stirling - Buildings and Projects, 1984

Big Jim - The life and Work of James Stirling, 1998

The Architecture of James Gowan: Modernity and Reinvention, 2008

James Stirling - Early Unpublished Writings on Architecture, 2010

The Architecture of James Stirling and His Partners J.G and M.W, 2011

Stirling and Gowan - Architecture from Austerity to Affluence, 2012

James Stirling - Revisionary Modernist, 2012